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Codes Driver San Francisco / Driver iPhone / Codes Driv3r / Codes Driver Parallel Lines
Driver Parallel Lines est maintenant 100% compatible avec la Playstation 3 de Sony !
En effet depuis ce matin les possesseurs de la console on pus remarquer que le firmware 1.7 était sortit, au menu on y trouve quelques fonctionnalité en plus, mais surtout une liste de jeux compatible qui s'agrandit.
Malheureusement Driv3r quand à lui ne fonctionne toujours pas, peut être pour la prochaine mise à jour, on vous tien au courant !
Trop cool !!!!! Ah ca fait euh... 27 jour que j'attendais ca lol.
cool au moin kan j'aurai la Playstation 3 je serai sur que Driver Parallel Lines est compatible mais maintenant j'atten que Driv3r le soit aussi !!
Baab, je rempense a un truc. Merci Tanner 10 de m'avoir dit qu'il y avait une mise a jour. Mais de rien... :lol:
ooo je ne savais pas cela merci des amis de driver une dimension
Robb I think we can discuss our poitclis in an open manner, if by poitclis we mean discussing questions of political philosophy (ie, what is the role of government?a0 what is the relationship of church and state?a0 what about immigration or labor or poverty issues?).a0I think it gets harder for us both pastorally and as primary staff/representatives of tax-exempt non-profit organizations when we want to talk about poitclis in terms of particular candidates or parties.a0 Not that issues of the role of government or immigration are not polarized, but I think discretion is called for when we get into the head-to-head races between parties and candidates of election cycles.a0 It also gets difficult because, even if we go to pains to say otherwise, someone will hear a political perspective coming from the mouth of a pastor as a conflation of poitclis and Gospel, as if the pastor equates the two (funny, though when I talk about baseball people don't think I'm suggesting that God is a Phillies fan A friend that I have here in Washington observed that there are two kinds of people when it comes to poitclis amateurs, and professionals.a0 The amateurs are those who can't comfortably talk with someone of a different political perspective, whereas the pros are those who know how to talk and work with people of the other party and opposite positions.a0 What we need to do is cultivate more "pros" who can talk and work with (and respect!) those of differing political perspectives something that is increasingly difficult to do as our society and media become increasingly segmented along partisan lines.
Bonjour j’ai une PS3 slim 320 go mais impossible de lire driver parallele lines vous avez des info ?
Merci Baab! Mais de rien, c'est tout naturel... :P