Driver-Dimension, fan site sur la série Driver

Bienvenue sur Driver-Dimension,
le fan-site sur la série des Driver depuis 2004 !

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations et actualités concernant le jeu vidéo Driver.

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Forum sur le jeu Driver

La communauté Driver en pleine forme !

Le manque actuel de news sur Driver est loin de démotiver la communauté des Fan de Driver 0cool.gif,
en effet notre forum a passé il y a peu la barre des 50000 messages, et quelques 500 membres inscrit !

Vous êtes tous les jours plus nombreux à venir chercher de l'aide, parler, débattre des grands sujets autour de la série Driver !

Quand est-il de Driver ? Attendons le 28 Mai (date des Ubidays 2008), pour une peu probable mais très attendue annonce concernant la série 0wink.gif !

Publié par Mobman02 le 24-03-2008 à 15:19


Et quand moi j'ai dit qu'on a dépassé le 50.000 posts tout le monde s'en foutait :noel: Faut savoir que drivermadness a plus de 2300 membres, 500 c'est rien par rapport a ca hehe xD Et puis heu … c'est quoi cette news ? =D

Posté par Revs le 24-03-2008 à 15:35

Revs >> et combien de messages il a ? Au fait, c'est moi qui ai posté les 50.000... Tu le dis dans ta news peut être ? =D

Posté par Vortex le 24-03-2008 à 15:37

"Quand est-il de Driver ?" Faudrait ptet préciser non ? Sinon quelqu'un va encore croire que c'est Driver 1 qui va sortir xD

Posté par Revs le 24-03-2008 à 15:42

vive le 28 mai

Posté par ALEXANDRE le 24-03-2008 à 16:24

Oh oui et puis je commence à m'inquiéter car aucun news sur le prochain opus de Driver :(

Posté par The Kid Tanner le 24-03-2008 à 16:48

Courage, il faut s'armer de patience.

Posté par jejex le 24-03-2008 à 17:09

Salut, le 28 mai c ma fete ^^

Posté par Cloud le 24-03-2008 à 18:05

Revs, tu t'es inscrit combien de fois sur ton site drivermadness? :D Un nouveau Driver? Je pensais que la série avait sombré! Que de bonnes nouvelles... On aura surement le droit a une version pas mal aboutis pour ces fameux Ubidays! Qui sait? Wait & see

Posté par Psr le 24-03-2008 à 19:53

Une fois ;). Et au UbiDays y aura rien du tout, ils vont dire "Ouais on travaille sur un Driver" point, fini et voilà.

Posté par Revs le 24-03-2008 à 21:51

imaginez rien qu'une image... De tanner ! ^^

Posté par Vortex le 25-03-2008 à 00:01

En voilà une de Driver 4 : hihihi xD

Posté par Revs le 25-03-2008 à 00:02

Yeah ! Trop colle ton image Revs : "Welcome to the webserver of The requested page cannot be found. If you believe you have reached this in error, please alert the system administrator." :lol: Ben voila, tu es alerté :) .

Posté par Tannerkid le 26-03-2008 à 16:34

Ouais j'ai change un peu le site ( et le design ) : ;)

Posté par Revs le 26-03-2008 à 18:42

If you are not familiar with Dr. Ian Smith, he is a New York phciysian and author best known for his appearances on VH1 s Celebrity Fit Club series, The View, and as a correspondent for NBC News. He is also the host of HealthWatch with Dr. Ian Smith .He has written several weight loss books already, all based on sound nutritional information. So, why write another diet book? He wanted to create a program for those people that have already lost weight but are trying to pass a plateau that is very stubborn. His goal was to make it easy to follow and accessible to everyone with foods that they could find right at their local grocery store. I love that concept because I have never been a fan of program that use prepackaged foods.Dr. Smith does not believe in perfection when it comes to losing weight. He likes to eat pizza and ice cream, so he believes it is about balance. You had me at pizza! Actually, this program does stress healthy whole foods. Dr. Smith likes to focus on inches and sizes lost, rather than pounds. It is more about how you feel in your clothes than about the number on the scale. That may come as a surprise if you have only seen him on Celebrity Fit Club.The key to this program is something called diet concept called Diet Confusion , which tricks the body and revs up its metabolism. Who wouldn't like a faster metabolism? The problem many people have is that when you eat the same foods day after day, nothing happens with your metabolism. If you want to give it boost when you are trying to lose weight, you have to start eating different foods. This will cause a see-saw affect with the fat in your body, which will help you lose inches and pounds. The Shred Book combines meal spacing to avoid hunger and keep your energy up, a low GI diet and meal replacements.The book is easy to read and it has good explanation. What it does not have are bizarre foods or complicated routines. The diet takes a lot of planning but it also takes a lot of guesswork out. If the weight loss goal is not met you just keep working it.Bottom Line: If you are looking for revolutionary new ideas in nutrition from a medical point of view, you probably will not find it here. It may feel a bit regimented for some people. However, if you are looking for a program that you can follow every day, this will probably work nicely. The book is easy to read with sound nutritional advice and easy to follow recipes. It doesn't require extensive and expensive grocery store lists and is relatively easy to follow.

Posté par Pov le 14-12-2015 à 05:49

don't know if you know focus'es ..I have a 2000 ford focus with the Ztec motor I put in a starter the car ran like crap <a href=""> settutring</a> realy bad and not going over 30 mph that starter went bad only two days later got an other one from same junk yard. put that one in and now the car won't start at all engine turns over but wont start but if i unplug the connection that is on the air tube that is from the airfilter it tries to start but sputters ever have that problem please help thanks

Posté par Nadica le 14-12-2015 à 22:23

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