Bienvenue sur Driver-Dimension,
le fan-site sur la série des Driver depuis 2004 !
Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations et actualités concernant le jeu vidéo Driver.
Codes Driver San Francisco / Driver iPhone / Codes Driv3r / Codes Driver Parallel Lines
Ubisoft vient d'annoncer que Driver 1 allait sortir le 14 août 2008 sur le Playstation Store !
Le jeu sera compatible avec la Playstation 3 bien sûr mais aussi avec la PSP (pour jouer au flic dans le métro
Le communiqué d'Ubisoft :
Dans la peau de Tanner, enfilez votre costume de "Driver" au service d'un syndicat du crime et entrez au coeur de l'action ! Entre courses poursuites et fusillades, arpentez les routes de 4 villes parfaitement recrées (Miami, San Francisco, Los Angeles et New York) au volant de superbes bolides !
Découvrez de nombreux modes de jeu: Entraînement, Poursuite, Survie ou encore le mode Libre et sillonnez les routes en toute liberté.
Le jeu sera vendu 4,99 Euros, en sachant que l'original n'est pas parfaitement compatible avec la PS3, c'est une très bonne affaire !
N'hésitez pas à venir en parler dans le forum Driver, et à consulter la partie dédiée à Driver 1 sur le site en attendant .
Sources : Ubisoft, Play3-live, CGV
tanner is back \o/
cool je me l'achete sur psp directe :P
Je l'ai déjà sur PS1 mais c'est intéressant pour ceux qui ne l'ont pas...
S'ils pouvaient faire pareil pour Driver 2 ^^
il le feront surement
Je me le prend pour y jouer sur PSP. Par contre qui a pondu le truc disant que Driver 1 avec le CD de PSOne marchait pas bien sur PS3 ? Pour l'avoir terminé entièrement une fois, je peux vous dire qu'il marche très bien sur PS3, tout comme le 2.
sa marchais surement moin bien avant, mais comme il y a eu plein de mise a jour sa a rendus des jeux + compatible normalement, sinon sur psp ce n'est pas une nouveauté puisque que si on est en custom firmware on peut jouer au jeux ps1 (l'image CD) mais bon sa serviras pour les malheureux en officiel ^^
Moi j'y joue sur PC avec un émulateur avec une manette de 360.
comment on fais pour avoir le hotrod
Je n'arrive pas a passer le test du parking....le 180° je n'arrive pas le faire, on pourrais m'aider?
bonjour, j'ai acheter driver sur playstation store, je l'ai payer et il est bien dans mes telechargements mais quand je veut le mettre dans ma psp via sony media manager avec le cable de transfert a environ 7000 Ko il me marque une erreur est survenue (0X8004810b) comment pourrais-je faire please!!! merci d'avance
c encore moi, c bon je lai telecharger sur ma psp en trois heure, pour ceux qui, les telechargement qui galere faite le le matin de bonheur ou a minuit comme moi (jusqu'a 3 heure du mat) mais serieux c trop de la bal, en plus le mieux c kon peut pas mettre des cheat code, alors la c encore mieux car un jeu sans les codes, c L'APRECIEEEEEE.......donc bon jeu a tous et à bientot.....pep.
je voudrais savoir comment tu a eu le code stp merci
bjr je le acheter sur le site mais sais en anglais comment changer la langue
les mision sais en langue anglais se nul comment metre en francais merci
bonjour j aimerais bien savoir comment avoir new castle sur ps3 parce que j ai fini le jeu driver 1 sur ps3 et il y a plus rien a faire donc s il vous plait aidez moi comment faire ?
il y en a un il la le meme prénoms que moi je vais l aider pour faire un 180 ° t accélère et tu fais triangle et flèche gauche ou droite voila
eu voila j ai changer mon pseudo sinon on va voir le meme pseudo bref pour faire le 180° tu fais triangle et flèche droite ou gauche ou tu regardes la démonstration voila et pour newcastle je verrai pas la peine de me le dire voila
et le jeu faut le finir 3 fois driver 1 moi je l ai fini une fois donc il me reste 2 fois
triangle et flèche droite ou gauche enfoncé et tu relaches
je vais finir le jeu driver 1 pour la dernière fois
I thought the one in the drevir's seat was a person until I enlarged it! Cute picture! I often see dogs riding in backs of pickups on top of dog boxes. I don't know how they keep from falling off, but they don't!
The sony memory stick pro duo that I psueharcd from xbookstore is a fake. I originally bought it just to get my psp online and updated, so I was not using it for movies or any other media until recently. I loaded a couple of movies onto the memory stick, safely removed the psp from my computer, and now it says that there is no memory stick inserted. I began trouble shooting, which lead me to a website[...]that allowed me to spot this card as a fake. This memory stick is no longer useable at all. It is not even recognized in my sony laptop. It said it had 4GB, but must have had a lot less. xbookstore did not respond to my email, (I sent a month ago) now I have to buy a new one. Good luck.
I just bought a new PSP3000 and I watned something to protect it since the PSP is not exactly known for being easy to keep clean and new. I tentatively bought this case since it was so cheap and am extremely happy with my decision.The case is made of silicon so it is very soft and feels very good in your hands when you're playing on the PSP. It keeps all the dust and fingerprints off of the PSP, which attracts them constantly. The case itself also does not retain fingerprints and dust doesn't stick to it either. There are holes for almost all buttons, input jacks, and whatnot so that 99% of the time you never need to remove the case if you want to change your memory stick, charge your PSP, connect it to something else, and so on. I will mention the exceptions later. The case also has a cover over the UMD part of the PSP with 2 little tabs that are easy to remove and apply when you have to change games. So the whole PSP is protected. The case is white but a little bit see-through. It is kind of translucent, so on a black PSP it will look kind of gray. Take a look at the pictures I uploaded for reference.The case covers all the front buttons right below the screen, which include the PSP, volume, display, sound, SELECT, and START buttons. However, you'll have no problem accessing the buttons with the case on top of them because there are groves on the case where the buttons are supposed to be. It's just a matter of knowing which button is where, and most PSP owners already know the buttons by heart. The case doesn't have a function that lets you change batteries without taking out the case, so if you're on a long trip and need to pop in that extra battery pack, it will take a little more work of removing the case first and putting it back on afterwards. There are 2 slight gaps between the UMD cover of the case and the rest of the case, but that's better than having no cover over the UMD part of the PSP. I'm not sure how much protection the case will give you when it comes to dropping it, but neither am I sure how much protection a hardcase will give you, not to mention that hardcases are much bulkier than the silicon case. Also a screen is not a part of the case so there is no protection for your screen, but for me that was a plus because in my experience cases with a screen as a part of it, usually did a poor job on the screen part. I recommend you get this case and a screen protector. The one from Hori, a company, is good.Pro:- soft and comfortable in hands- keeps dust, fingerprints, etc off PSP and case- full PSP protection except screen- fully functional PSP with case on- will look gray on a black PSP (could be a con if you don't like it, look at my pictures)- less bulky than a hardcaseCon:- covers the front buttons but doesn't hinder their usage- covers the battery part which requires the case to be taken off to change batteries- might or might not give protection against drops (I never tried or want to try dropping my PSP)- has no screen (this is a pro for me since I prefer getting screen protectors rather than cases with screens) [url=]oeeeyt[/url] [link=]hvynflfvfqp[/link]
Coming in at just seconds under two hours, this album is a good <a href="">explame</a> of a `complete score' release. Some of the cues time at just five seconds, so completists really don't feel that anything is left out.This time working with Saori Ueda, composer Masami Ueda shines in this score. The style is recognisably a continuation of Resident Evil 2, and seems bigger due to the length of the album and the variety of material. Generally, the music is sombre and oppressive, which perfectly conjures back the game (and matches it when you hear it in that context). Jill's progress through destroyed nighttime streets of the city is vividly re-created in the music. Fear and suspense are evoked by use of sustained chords, punctuated by sounds such as bell tolls (a reference to the clock tower that will figure in the story's middle chapter). The clanking you can hear at times sounds much like Brad Feidel's Terminator scores. There is also a touch of Graeme Revell's The Crow in here. At the other end of the mood scale, the action-music is based on violent orchestral strings and blaring brass, imitating Nick Glennie Smith and Hans Zimmer's score for The Rock. As in his score for Resident Evil 2, Ueda uses piano to soften the general harshness, and again, the result is very pleasing, and keeps this score from being too much like the movie sources he draws from. Also like the Resident Evil 2 album, it's a little strange to have music fade out rather than come to an end, but this is due to the music being written for continuous looping. A piece will play in the game for as long as you are in a room or area, so it isn't structured to come to an end.If you listen to the album in the wrong frame of mind, its low-key character can make the music fall easily out of your notice. But in the right mood, it is quite enthralling. In all, a very good album if you're a fan of film scores and/or Resident Evil games.
The product shown on this page is not what I reiceved. I know it was cheap, but you order something because that is what you want and when you get something else it's pretty annoying. The directional and action buttons are covered on the one I got and there is NO umd access. I love that in the pictures they have one with a special note about the nodules that go into the holes above the umd drive to secure it, when there are in fact, no such things and the drive is completely sealed. If you're wanting what's in the picture, that's not what you're going to get. [url=]mxtnfgphis[/url] [link=]ywssafv[/link]
Slt avant javais une PS1 javais Driver San Francisco dessus, est ce que Driver San Francisco est bien sur PSP ??????
Peut-être faut faire un mods sur driver 1 pour avoir Newcastle sur ps3
Je suis nzo
Pour y joué sur ps3 j'ai encore le cd donc c'est pas intéressant, par contre je vais peut être m'acheter une psp du coup!