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Codes Driver San Francisco / Driver iPhone / Codes Driv3r / Codes Driver Parallel Lines
Le mois d'avril ouvrant une nouvelle année fiscale, c'est l'occasion pour les éditeurs de parler de ce qu'ils ont fait de mieux.
Ubisoft fait donc une rétrospective de ses licences phares en indiquant le nombre de ventes de chacune d'elles : sans surprise on trouve Assasin's Creed et Just Dance au top mais on notera la jolie 10ème place de Driver juste derrière Prince Of Persia mais devant Les Lapins Crétins avec 19 millions d'unités vendues.
Evidemment, l'éditeur prend en compte les ventes des premiers Driver qui étaient édités auparavant par GT Interactive et Atari/Infogrammes. Pour rappel, le dernier Driver en date Driver San Francisco fit des ventes aux alentours des 2 millions et au dessus des attentes d'Ubisoft. On peut espérer qu'Ubisoft ne laisserait pas tomber une de ses licences les plus rentables mais le succès de Watch Dogs et de The Crew pourraient sceller son sort, à l'instar de Prince of Persia qui n'existe plus depuis la montée en puissance d'Assasin's Creed car jugée trop similaires.
Wait & See comme il est coutume de dire dans ces cas là !
It's really dpotpisinaing that you couldn't take part in any battles as huge as in the trailer but my biggest gripe is that we never get to fight alongside any of these famous historical figures. You help Samuel Adams during the Boston Tea Party and join Paul Revere but you never get to fight alongside George Washington in an epic battle or invent stuff with Benjamin Franklin. Theres nothing nearly as awesome as crafting new weapons with Leonardo da Vinci and trying out his flying machine in ACII. It was a huge missed opportunity.The Desmond parts also suck. He's boring as hell and his missions are anticlimactic. It's also laughable how the Abstergo guards in the future use the same fighting style as the Regulars from the colonial times. Especially when they pull out their semi automatic pistols and slowly fire one shot before putting their gun away or reloading. Because futuristic pistols = 18th century muskets apparently. [url=]xxchwayrhja[/url] [link=]irrocwdzcbv[/link]
crazy that you say this because my<a href=""> bfnroieyd</a> was all about being an architect for most of his life but he ended up getting his degree in game art visualization! Now he does architecture for games! []Lolo Reply:October 25th, 2012 at 8:40 pmDUDEEE THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Does he like working in that field?? I have always thought of getting into it myself but right now I have no idea where to start~[] Reply:October 25th, 2012 at 10:01 pmIf I ever get around to making a serious game and I fully intend to do so even if it kills me you would be the first person I ask to do some architectin' and related design![]Lolo Reply:October 29th, 2012 at 2:42 pmI'M DOWN! If I'm good enough by then, I'm totally down[]
Amigo Toyota an Italian with a Japanese surname?! and lol why did you do an English acenct for Desmond, he no Englishman! indeed Desmond is such an uninteresting character even when compared to his supporting characters. aside from that Achilles seems like-able at least when compared to the rest. aswatching you flip over you wig so many times really feels so annoying to watch, works well if someone made a gif and put a L'oreal logo.
Slack .. do so when the head assassin wrneiag a hood, the angle of vision is reduced or lost opportunity to turn the camera 360 degrees, and when the hood is removed, the review will be normal and the camera will be free to turn. Fit the hood over his head and you will feel uncomfortable in that tilt down. it would be good to do it in the game, so it will be [url=]iiecjgud[/url] [link=]hzopghjpki[/link]
this game need co-op And they are still doing surveys for 5th game??? Everybody who<a href=""> pelyad</a> Splinter Cell Conviction can say that co-op is a fantastic feature.But I have doubts because of Call of Juarez:BiBthe most suitable game for co-op story but it hasn't and all the games mentioned are Ubisoft
I am Adrian that The co-op possibility Will make The game bornig somehow. But i would definitly buy though.I hope The next game Will be about The victorian time i England. Please don't make The game too recent! [url=]lwjlap[/url] [link=]wmbajowv[/link]
In a movie the Animus will make for awesome flachbasks, and the notion of generational memory from being stored in DNA is no more of a stretch of the imagination than a lot of the other movies coming out of Hollywood. Besides its a work of fiction, it's not as if its a serious documentary.VN:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)