Driver-Dimension, fan site sur la série Driver

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le fan-site sur la série des Driver depuis 2004 !

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Nouveaux screenshoots de Driver : Parallel Lines (MAJ)

Aujourd'hui c'est 18 nouveaux screenshoots qui viennent enrichir le site, on y voit The Kid sortir sa tête de la voiture, tenir son armes, on peu aussi remarquer le monde qu'il y a dans les rue de New York.

De plus une nouvelle Preview de Driver : Parallel Lines toute fraîche vien d'arriver sur le site, vous y decouvrierez les premiéres infos sur le mode online, ainsi que des explications sur ce prochain opus.

Driver : Parallel Lines est toujours prévu pour Mars 2006.

MAJ : 10 nouveaux screenshoots suplémentaires sont aussi disponible ! Et ils sont de toute beauté ! (Les nouveaux ce trouve en bas de cette page)

Publié par Admin le 07-09-2005 à 07:38


ca n'as l'air pasmal mais j'attend le preview pour etre convaincu de l'acheter ^^ vive Driver:PL

Posté par X-Dup02 le 07-09-2005 à 15:47

Quel journée aujourd'hui ! 28 nouveaux screens ca fait trop plaisir :P Enjoy ;)

Posté par Mobman02 le 07-09-2005 à 16:48

C'est tres beau je trouve, j'espere que ca ira vite :P

Posté par gran turismo le 08-09-2005 à 19:08

1er fois que je voit ton nouveau site (dsl d'etre en retard), c'est toi le premier a rigoler des sites pré fait comme Nuked clan ect.. et j'avoue que quand je suis arriver je me suis marrer... Enfin bon, ce qui compte c le contenu, bonne continuation ;=) Mick

Posté par Mick le 15-09-2005 à 14:24

Tu serais pas en train d'insinuer que j'ai installer un NC quand meme ^^ :P

Posté par Mobman02 le 15-09-2005 à 18:10

Nuked-Klan PouRkOuaaaAaa...

Posté par Mick le 21-09-2005 à 11:58


Posté par Mobman02 le 25-09-2005 à 17:49

Moi j'aimerais comme même savoir s' il s'est se battre a main nu ce p'tit chaud ???

Posté par Jéricho le 01-10-2005 à 19:49

, I don’t know if it was the recording, or the edtinig, or if it’s just me, but the voices didn’t seem to fit into either video. The dialogue was jarring for me, and felt like it was either added as an afterthought, or there was something technically wrong with how it was done. My first thought after watching it was that I’d liked to have seen a version of this without speech, or even with the lines flashed to (graffitied on a wall somewhere, or something), since I think that would have flowed better. (This may be a very subjective judgement though, since I often prefer short films without dialogue).Part of it is a technical issue (we need a good microphone, but can't afford it); another part of it and I don't mean to sound arrogant here, just trying to analyze is the force of the visuals and the music, against which the dialogue doesn't stand much of a chance. Still, I'm not bothered by it, so I can't say much.Only in beachless Northern Europe will anyone be able to suspend disbelief after seeing that shell, and hearing the word “unicorn.” (Waves tiny Australian flag, throws sand in your eyes, and runs away before you can tell him that no one likes a pedant, especially if that pedant is him).Hey, we shot that in Greece, where we have plenty of beaches. And the term unicorn is supposed to indicate that it's something entirely mystical, some kind of leftover from a time when the world was not yet the apocalyptic mess it is in the film (thus the title, Echoes ).

Posté par Alexandr le 23-07-2014 à 18:47

, I don't know if it was the recording, or the <a href="">edtniig</a>, or if it's just me, but the voices didn't seem to fit into either video. The dialogue was jarring for me, and felt like it was either added as an afterthought, or there was something technically wrong with how it was done. My first thought after watching it was that I'd liked to have seen a version of this without speech, or even with the lines flashed to (graffitied on a wall somewhere, or something), since I think that would have flowed better. (This may be a very subjective judgement though, since I often prefer short films without dialogue).3. Only in beachless Northern Europe will anyone be able to suspend disbelief after seeing that shell, and hearing the word unicorn. (Waves tiny Australian flag, throws sand in your eyes, and runs away before you can tell him that no one likes a pedant, especially if that pedant is him).

Posté par Rowena le 24-07-2014 à 19:38

Crikey, I'd forgotten how many good cocamreimls Coke have actually done over the years. Unforgivable of me to forget about the 'Eat Football' one where a bloke commentates for his blind mate. Swimming Elephant was great too. And Nagi Noda's 'What Goes Around Comes Around'... very very cool.But sorry, you're not going to persuade me on Happiness Factory. It's not magical, it's just twee, isn't it?

Posté par Felipe le 14-12-2015 à 05:13

Ben, Scamp does this from time to time (posts the same thing) as a power exercise. It's like you're both in <a href="">prsoin</a>. Occasionally, Scamp comes and 'violates' you just to remind you who's higher in the fascinating blog chart that he publishes every month. You're reduced to the role of Tim Robbins in the Shawshank Redemption, desperately trying to fight off his advances with a broom.

Posté par Olmaz le 14-12-2015 à 22:23

Are you serious? I thhgout the main guy looks too much like a kiddy fiddler and the kids all behave like wacco's. I just felt it was a poor commercial and could have been much better. Also are you allowed to advertise such products to kids?Or is this Coke/Mother's gorilla? [url=]sgsybbvcle[/url] [link=]yeiexvqooa[/link]

Posté par Niko le 15-12-2015 à 10:00

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